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aroma bean our story

aroma bean our story

I can’t remember when it actually started, but the coffee culture has been a part of our family for…well…a long time. Good coffee is a standard in our house. Then, like with so many other things, COVID took things to a different level. We were locked down in an all...

When brewing coffee with equipment that uses pressure, such as espresso machines or stovetop moka pots, the grind size plays a critical role in achieving the desired flavor and consistency. Fine coffee grinds are essential in these methods because they create the...
Leveling the grinds

Leveling the grinds

In our household, the choice of equipment to make the morning coffee is the humble Moka Pot. These relatively inexpensive items, if used correctly, can produce the most wonderful, flavor-full coffee experiences. Apart from the grind size, the one mistake that most...
Protecting the environment

Protecting the environment

If I say “rainforest”, the chances are you thought of the Amazon. Covering vast areas of land in Brazil, the Amazon rainforest has had a history of abuse by large corporates wanting to get as much as they can out of it. Images of large areas of bare ground...
The right grind for French Press coffee

The right grind for French Press coffee

Grind size plays a pivotal role in crafting the perfect cup of French press coffee. Unlike espresso machines or Moka pots, the French press relies on immersion brewing, where coffee grounds steep directly in water. This process demands a coarse grind, as finer grounds...
Fair trade

Fair trade

The coffee industry has a bit of a reputation for the way that farmers are treated. And it is not great! Aroma Bean is known for great tasting coffee – but we also want to be known for coffee that upholds good values and pays the due to the hard workers out...
Timing is everything…

Timing is everything…

The humble French Press – probably one of the simplest ways to make coffee. But simple does not mean bad coffee! If you know how to use it, the coffee is great. There are a number of things that go into making a good plunger coffee – the one that is most...
Coffee too expensive?

Coffee too expensive?

The rumblings are there…coffee prices are going to be going up. In fact, over the last while, the price of coffee beans have gone up significantly.  The average consumer may have noticed the prices slightly increasing, but the full affect has not reached the end...
Good coffee can be made at home!

Good coffee can be made at home!

I had the privilege of attending the Speciality Coffee Expo in Cape Town this last week. What an awesome place for a coffee enthusiast, or any coffee lover for that matter! I had the chance to partake in a cupping event which showcased some specialty coffees from...